Very few of these caskets are known. A gilded mounted agate traveller’s nécessaire de voyage, fitted inside with a watch, a compass and a spy-glass, signed by James Cox, is kept in the Palace Museum of the Forbidden City. Galuchat (or Galluchat) Jean-Claude Galluchat (1689-1774), Parisian gainier (casket-maker) master from Lyon, and his son Denis-Claude Galluchat develop in Paris, in the 1740’s, a technique of treatment of the skins of dogfish and shark; skins which are then used in the manufacture of objects called tabletterie (caskets and boxes of all forms for many uses). One of their most famous clients is none other than the Marquise de Pompadour - Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson (1721-1764), Duchess of Menars, a lady of the French bourgeoisie who became the favourite of Louis XV (1710-1774), King of France an.varre (1715-1774) - «qui ne passait pas une semaine sans qu’elle n’achetât un petit objet qui était souvent du galuchat» (who did not spend a week without buying a small object that was often shagreen). This artisan made so much reference to his time by dressing this skin of fish - the shagreen - with the rarest objects that the proper name became synonymous with the material. Towards 1748, in front of the success of their works, the father and the son install their workshops rue des Morfondus, then, in 1774, Quai de l’Horloge, near the main founders and manufacturers of scientific instruments, watchmakers and jewellers. At the same time, their technique is taken up by various workshops in the major capitals of Europe, including, of course, London, where there is an intense production of objects often destined for export.