Important Modern & Vintage Timepieces
Hong Kong, Nov 27, 2016
HANNES SCHMID COWBOY #50 - COWBOY LEADING TWO HORSES Hannes Schmid, painted in 2010. Oil on Canvas, depicting a cowboy on horseback, holding two other horses on reigns in a landscape consisting of dried ochre-colored stalks, dark firs, and snow- covered mountains.The horizon ends along the line of the foreshortened bodies of the horses. The manes blow in the vast skies, and the cowboy leading his animals in this great blue interspersed with bright clouds heightens the scene's inherent lightness. This feeling is reinforced by the color scheme reduced to greens, blues, and yellows. Man, animal, and landscape form a unity beyond the present time. In the eternity of the landscape, man takes care of his flock, which, in turn, follows him and trusts in the paths taken.